
Part 9 Relations

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9.1 Relations and Their Properties

Binary Relations: A binary relation \(R\) from a set \(A\) to a set \(B\) is a subset \(R\subset A\times B\). We can represent

Example: Let \(A = \{0, 1, 2\}\) and \(B = \{a, b\}\), then \(\{(0, a), (0, b), (1, a), (2, b)\}\) is a relation from \(A\) to \(B\).

Reflexive Relations/自反关系: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is reflexive if and only if for all \(a\in A\), \((a, a)\in R\). Written symbolically, \(R\) is reflexive if and only if

\[\forall x[x\in U \rightarrow (x, x)\in R].\]

Symmetric Relations/对称关系: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is symmetric if and only if for all \(a, b\in A\), if \((a, b)\in R\), then \((b, a)\in R\). Written symbolically, \(R\) is symmetric if and only if

\[\forall x\forall y[(x, y)\in R \rightarrow (y, x)\in R].\]

Antisymmetric Relations/反对称关系: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is antisymmetric if and only if for all \(a, b\in A\), if \((a, b)\in R\) and \((b, a)\in R\), then \(a = b\). Written symbolically, \(R\) is antisymmetric if and only if

\[\forall x\forall y[(x, y)\in R \land (y, x)\in R \rightarrow x = y].\]

Transitive Relations/传递关系: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is transitive if and only if for all \(a, b, c\in A\), if \((a, b)\in R\) and \((b, c)\in R\), then \((a, c)\in R\). Written symbolically, \(R\) is transitive if and only if

\[\forall x\forall y\forall z[(x, y)\in R \land (y, z)\in R \rightarrow (x, z)\in R].\]

Composition: The composition of relations \(R\) and \(S\) is the relation \(T\) such that \((a, c)\in T\) if and only if there exists an element \(b\) such that \((a, b)\in R\) and \((b, c)\in S\).

Powers of a Relation: Let \(R\) be a binary relation on a set \(A\). The \(n\)th power of \(R\) is the relation \(R^n\) defined recursively as follows:

  • Basis Step: \(R^1 = R\).
  • Inductive Step: \(R^{n+1} = R^n \circ R\).

Theorem 1: The relation \(R\) is transitive if and only if \(R^n\subseteq R\).

  • If Part: \(R^n\subseteq R\), and \(R^2\subseteq R\). If \((a, b)\in R\) and \((b, c)\in R\), then \((a, c)\in R^2\subseteq R\). Thus, \(R\) is transitive.
  • Only If Part: If \(R\) is transitive and \((a, c)\in R^2\), then there exists a \(b\) such that \((a, b)\in R\) and \((b, c)\in R\), hence \((a, c)\in R^2\subseteq R\). And induction completes the proof.

Inverse Relation: The inverse of a relation \(R\) is the relation \(R^{-1}\) such that \((b, a)\in R^{-1}\) if and only if \((a, b)\in R\).

\[R^{-1} = \{(b, a)|(a, b)\in R\}.\]

For a set with \(n\) elements, there are \(2^{n^2}\) possible relations, \(2^{n(n+1)/2}\) possible symmetric relations, \(2^{n}3^{n(n-1)/2}\) possible antisymmetric relations, \(3^{n(n-1)/2}\) asymmetric relations, \(2^{n(n-1)}\) irreflexive relations, \(2^{n(n-1)/2}\) reflexive and symmetric relations, \(2^{n^2}-2^{n(n-1)+1}\) neither reflexive nor irreflexive relations.

Combining Relations: Given two relations \(R_1\) and \(R_2\), we can combine them using basic set operations to form new realtions such as \(R_1\cup R_2\), \(R_1\cap R_2\), \(R_1 - R_2\), \(R_1\oplus R_2\).

9.3 Representing Relations

Matrix Representation: A relation \(R\) between finite sets can be represented using a zero-one matrix. The matrix \(M\) representing the relation \(R\) is defined as follows: Suppose \(R\) is a relation from \(A=\{a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_m\}\) to \(B=\{b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_n\}\), then the matrix \(M\) representing \(R\) is an \(m\times n\) matrix such that \(M[i, j] = 1\) if \((a_i, b_j)\in R\) and \(M[i, j] = 0\) otherwise.

If \(R\) is reflexive, then all the elements on the diagonal of \(M_R\) are \(1\). If \(R\) is symmetric, then \(M_R\) is symmetric, i.e. \(m_{ij} = 1\) if and only if \(m_{ji} = 1\). \(R\) is antisymmetric if and only if \(m_{ij} = 0\) or \(m_{ji} = 0\) for all \(i\neq j\).

Graph Representation: A directed graph, or digraph, consists of a set \(V\) of vertices/nodes together with a set \(E\) of edges/arcs, where each edge is an ordered pair of vertices. The vertex \(a\) is called the initial vertex of the edge \((a, b)\), and the vertex \(b\) is called the terminal vertex of the edge \((a, b)\). An edge of the form \((a, a)\) is called a loop. Then we can draw a graph to represent a relation.

Reflexivity: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is reflexive if and only if there is a loop at each vertex in the graph representing \(R\).

Symmetry: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is symmetric if and only if \((a, b)\) is in the graph representing \(R\) whenever \((b, a)\) is in the graph.

Antisymmetry: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is antisymmetric if and only if \((y, x)\) is not an edge when \((x, y)\) with \(x\neq y\) is an edge. In other words, whenever there is an edge from one vertex to another, there is no edge comming back.

Transitivity: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is transitive if and only if whenever \((a, b)\) and \((b, c)\) are edges in the graph representing \(R\), then \((a, c)\) is also an edge.

Reverse in the Version of Relation Representation: For matrix representation, the inverse relation is the transpose of the matrix. For graph representation, the inverse relation is the graph with all the edges reversed.

Properties of Relation Operations: Suppose \(R\) and \(S\) are the relations from \(A\) to \(B\), \(T\) is the relation from \(B\) to \(C\), \(P\) is the relation from \(C\) to \(D\), then

  • \((R\cup S)^{-1} = R^{-1}\cup S^{-1}\).
  • \((R\cap S)^{-1} = R^{-1}\cap S^{-1}\).
  • \((R - S)^{-1} = R^{-1} - S^{-1}\).
  • \((\overline{R})^{-1} = \overline{R^{-1}}\).
  • \((A\times B)^{-1} = B\times A\).
  • \(\overline{R} = A\times B - R\).
  • \((S\circ T)^{-1} = T^{-1}\circ S^{-1}\).
  • \((R\circ T)\circ P = R\circ (T\circ P)\).
  • \((R\cup S)\circ T = (R\circ T)\cup (S\circ T)\).

9.4 Closures of Relations

Closure: The Closure of a relation \(R\) with respect to the property \(P\) is the relation obtained by add the minimum numnber of ordered pairs to \(R\) to satisfy property \(P\).

Reflexive Closure: \(r(R) = R\cup \Delta\) where \(\Delta = \{(a, a)\vert a\in A\}\).

Symmetric Closure: \(S(R) = R\cup R^{-1}\).

Transitive Closure: \(T(R) = R\cup R^2\cup R^3\cup \cdots = \cup_{n=1}^{\infty}R^n\). To get this, we need some lemmas:

  • Lemma 1: Let \(R\) be a relation on a set \(A\), there is a path of length \(n\) from \(a\) to \(b\) in \(R\) if and only if \((a, b)\in R^n\).
  • Connectivity Relation: \(R^* = R\cup R^2\cup R^3\cup \cdots\) is called the connectivity relation of \(R\), which consists of all the \((a, b)\) such as there is a path from \(a\) to \(b\) in \(R\).
  • Lemma 2: The transitive closure of a relation \(R\) is the connectivity relation of \(R\).
    1. \(R\subseteq R^*\). is obvious by definition.
    2. \(R^*\) is transitive: If \((a, b)\in R^*\) and \((b, c)\in R^*\), then there is a path from \(a\) to \(b\) and a path from \(b\) to \(c\), then there is a path from \(a\) to \(c\), hence \((a, c)\in R^*\).
    3. \(R^*\) is minimum: If \(S\) is also a transitive relation containing \(R\), then \(R^*\subseteq S\). Because \(S^* = S\) and \(R\subseteq S\), then \(R^*\subseteq S^*\), then \(R^*\subseteq S\).

Lemma 3: A is a set consisting of \(n\) elements, \(R\) is a relation on \(A\). If there is a path from \(a\) to \(b\) in \(R\), then there is a path of length not exceeding \(n\). If \(a\neq b\), then such path has length not exceeding \(n-1\).

From Lemma 3, we can see \(t(R) = \cup_{i=1}^{n}R^i\) or \(t(R) = \cup_{i=1}^{n-1}R^i\cup \Delta\).

Moreover, \(M_{R^*} = M_R\lor M_{R^2}\lor M_{R^3}\lor \cdots\lor M_{R^n}\).

Warshall's Algorithm: The transitive closure \(T\) of a relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) can be computed using Warshall's algorithm. The algorithm is as follows:

for (k = 1; k <= n; k++)
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
            T[i][j] = T[i][j] || (T[i][k] && T[k][j]);

9.5 Equivalence Relations

Equivalence Relation: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is an equivalence relation if and only if \(R\) is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. And we denote \(a\sim b\) for \((a, b)\in R\) or \(aRb\).

Equivalence Class: The equivalence class of an element \(a\in A\) with respect to an equivalence relation \(R\) is the set of all elements in \(A\) that are related to \(a\), and \(a\) is called the representative of the equivalence cass \([a]_R\).

\[[a]_R = \{x\in A\vert xRa\}.\]

Theorem 1: Let \(R\) be an equivalence relation on a set \(A\). Then the statements for elements \(a\) and \(b\) of \(A\) are equivalent:

  • \(aRb\).
  • \([a]_R = [b]_R\).
  • \([a]_R\cap [b]_R\neq \emptyset\).

Partition: A partition \(\mathit{pr}(A) = \{A_i\vert i\in I\}\) of a set \(A\) is a collection of disjoint nonempty subsets of \(A\) whose union is \(A\). In other words, the collection of subsets \(A_i\) where \(i\in I\) (\(I\) is an index set), forms a partition of \(A\) if and only if

  • \(A = \cup_{i\in I}A_i\).
  • \(A_i\neq \emptyset\) for all \(i\in I\).
  • \(A_i\cap A_j = \emptyset\) for all \(i\neq j\).

Theorem 2: Let \(R\) be an equivalence relation on a set \(A\). Then the equivalence classes of \(R\) form a partition of \(A\). Conversely, given a partition \(\mathit{pr}(A) = \{A_i\vert i\in I\}\) of the set \(A\), there is an equivalence relation \(R\) on \(A\) such that the equivalence classes of \(R\) are the sets in the partition.

Let \(R\) and \(S\) be equivalence relations on the set \(A\), then \(R\cap S\) is also an equivalence relation on \(A\).

  • Reflexive: \((a, a)\in R\) and \((a, a)\in S\), then \((a, a)\in R\cap S\).
  • Symmetric: Since \(R^{-1} = R\) and \(S^{-1} = S\), then \((R\cap S)^{-1} = R^{-1}\cap S^{-1} = R\cap S\).
  • Transitive: Since \(R\) and \(S\) are transitive, then \(R^2\subseteq R\) and \(S^2\subseteq S\), then \((R\cap S)^2 = R^2 \cap R\circ S\cap S \circ R \cap R^2 \subseteq R\cap S\). Then \(R\cap S\) is transitive.

However, \(R\cup S\) is not necessarily an equivalence relation. It is indeed reflexive and symmetric. And \((R\cup S)^*\) is an equivalence relation.

9.6 Partial Orderings

Partial Ordering: A relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is called a partial ordering or partial order if and only if \(R\) is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitve. A set with a partial ordering is called a partially ordered set or poset and denoted by \((A, R)\).

Comparability: The elements \(a\) and \(b\) of a poset \((S, \leq)\) are comparable if and only if either \(a\leq b\) or \(b\leq a\). Otherwise, \(a\) and \(b\) are incomparable.

Total Ordering: A partial ordering \(R\) on a set \(A\) is called a total ordering or total order if and only if for all \(a, b\in A\), either \(aRb\) or \(bRa\). A totally ordered set is called a chain.

Well-ordered: A set \(A\) with a partial ordering \(R\) is called well-ordered if and only if \(R\) is totally ordered and every nonempty subset of \(A\) has a least element.

Lexicographic Order

Hasse Diagram: A Hasse diagram is a visual representation of a partial ordering that leaves out edges that must be present because of the reflexive and transitive properties.

Hasse Diagram Terminology: \(a\) is a maximal in \((A, \leq)\) if there is no \(b\in A\) such that \(a\leq b\).