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What is Solidity?

Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs that govern the behavior of accounts within the Ethereum state.

Solidity is a curly-bracket language designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is influenced by C++, Python, and JavaScript. You can find more details about which languages Solidity has been inspired by in the language influences section.

Solidity is statically typed, supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types, among other features.

说白了,Solidity 其实就是一种智能合约编程语言,特别是以太坊的官方语言。


1 结构

2 数据类型

Solidity 是一个静态类型语言,并且没有 null 或 undefined 类型,取而代之的是默认值:每个新建的变量依据其类型都会有一个默认值。

2.1 数值类型

  1. 布尔类型/Boolean:

    • 取值:truefalse
    • 支持运算:||&&!==!=
  2. 整数类型/Integer:

  3. 定点数类型/Fixed Point Numbers:

  4. 地址类型/Address:

  5. 定长字节数组/Fixed-size Byte Arrays:

  6. 枚举类型/Enum:

  7. 用户自定义类型/User-defined Value Types:

  8. 合约类型/Contract:

2.2 函数类型

其实函数类型也隶属于数值类型 QAQ,但是单提出来了。

2.3 引用类型

2.4 映射类型

映射/Mapping 的语法是 mapping(KeyType KeyName? => ValueType ValueName?) VariableName,其中 KeyNameValueName 可以省略。键的类型只能是内置类型,比如 bytes、address、contact、enum 等,但是值的类型就可以是任意类型了,用户自定义类型也可以。

给映射新增的键值对的语法为 _Var[_Key] = _Value,其中 _Var 是映射变量名,_Key_Value 对应新增的键值对。

映射类型不存储键,使用 keccak256(abi.encodePacked(key, slot)) 当成 offset 存取 value,slot 是映射变量定义所在的插槽位置。因而映射类型没有长度属性。


映射的存储位置必须是 storage,因此可以用于合约的状态变量,函数中的 storage 变量,和 library 函数的参数。不能用于 public 函数的参数或返回结果中,因为 mapping 记录的是一种关系(键值对)。

如果映射声明为 public,那么 solidity 会自动给你创建一个 getter 函数,可以通过 Key 来查询对应的 Value,比如文档中的例子:

contract MappingExample {
    mapping(address addr => uint balance) public balances;

    function update(uint newBalance) public {
        balances[msg.sender] = newBalance;

contract MappingUser {
    function f() public returns (uint) {
        MappingExample m = new MappingExample();
        return m.balances(address(this));

尽管一般的映射没法遍历,因为没法枚举键,但是我们可以建立一个在映射之上的数据结构,这样间接对映射进行遍历,就实现了 Iterable Mapping,下面是实现:

Implementation of Iterable Mapping
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

struct IndexValue { uint keyIndex; uint value; }
struct KeyFlag { uint key; bool deleted; }

struct itmap {
    mapping(uint => IndexValue) data;
    KeyFlag[] keys;
    uint size;

type Iterator is uint;

library IterableMapping {
    function insert(itmap storage self, uint key, uint value) internal returns (bool replaced) {
        uint keyIndex = self.data[key].keyIndex;
        self.data[key].value = value;
        if (keyIndex > 0)
            return true;
        else {
            keyIndex = self.keys.length;
            self.data[key].keyIndex = keyIndex + 1;
            self.keys[keyIndex].key = key;
            return false;

    function remove(itmap storage self, uint key) internal returns (bool success) {
        uint keyIndex = self.data[key].keyIndex;
        if (keyIndex == 0)
            return false;
        delete self.data[key];
        self.keys[keyIndex - 1].deleted = true;
        self.size --;

    function contains(itmap storage self, uint key) internal view returns (bool) {
        return self.data[key].keyIndex > 0;

    function iterateStart(itmap storage self) internal view returns (Iterator) {
        return iteratorSkipDeleted(self, 0);

    function iterateValid(itmap storage self, Iterator iterator) internal view returns (bool) {
        return Iterator.unwrap(iterator) < self.keys.length;

    function iterateNext(itmap storage self, Iterator iterator) internal view returns (Iterator) {
        return iteratorSkipDeleted(self, Iterator.unwrap(iterator) + 1);

    function iterateGet(itmap storage self, Iterator iterator) internal view returns (uint key, uint value) {
        uint keyIndex = Iterator.unwrap(iterator);
        key = self.keys[keyIndex].key;
        value = self.data[key].value;

    function iteratorSkipDeleted(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) private view returns (Iterator) {
        while (keyIndex < self.keys.length && self.keys[keyIndex].deleted)
        return Iterator.wrap(keyIndex);

// How to use it
contract User {
    // Just a struct holding our data.
    itmap data;
    // Apply library functions to the data type.
    using IterableMapping for itmap;

    // Insert something
    function insert(uint k, uint v) public returns (uint size) {
        // This calls IterableMapping.insert(data, k, v)
        data.insert(k, v);
        // We can still access members of the struct,
        // but we should take care not to mess with them.
        return data.size;

    // Computes the sum of all stored data.
    function sum() public view returns (uint s) {
        for (
            Iterator i = data.iterateStart();
            i = data.iterateNext(i)
        ) {
            (, uint value) = data.iterateGet(i);
            s += value;

2.5 运算符

3 单位与变量

4 表达式与控制流

5 合约